What are the main PHP settings on your default php.ini file?

Programming > PHP

PHP has been configured to use the following settings on our shared hosting servers:

safe mode = deprecated on current version of PHP and no longer relevant

register_globals = deprecated on current version of PHP and no longer relevant

memory_limit = 16M ( Max )

max_excution_time = 30 ( Max in seconds)

max_input_time = 60 ( Max in seconds)

post_max_size = 8M ( Max )

upload_max_filesize = 8M ( Max )

enable_dl = off (can't adjust)

The above settings either CANNOT be changed or cannot be exceeded on a shared hosting account. These limits are set to prevent high resource usage in shared environments. Most PHP scripts will work within these limits, but any scripts that require more resources are probably best suited for a VPS or dedicated server.

VPS and Dedicated Servers can change these settings to any value desired.